Monday, August 22, 2011

Circles and Cycles

My very first post! With excited nervousness I am trying to put together something worth reading, but even more so, something worth remembering. I am chronicling experiences that I hope to look back on that will show growth, but also keep me humble.
The past few years have come with so many mind blowing changes, all of which have brought me to an explosion of ideas, hopes, and savory experiences; thus the title of the blog. I wanted to call it "coming full circle" but it occurred to me that that would be limiting my potential for more. This of course is the work - becoming more myself and being in the world and not of this world. Taking in that which life has to offer and giving back to the world in a way that is uniquely me.
A few years ago, I hit a wall. Profound events, some good and some bad, had me wondering who I was and where I was going. Motivated by these experiences, I looked within and decided that it was time to explore what it was that I could do to be more the person I wanted to be and not what others thought that I was or should be. Okay, so maybe I'm always going to have to work on this particular thing, but I wanted to figure out what I was good at and be content to do these things on my own terms.
I went back to school after a decade long hiatus. People ask me for what, and I say psychology - I also say that I could change my mind and do something else. I'm still working on pinpointing careers but I am okay with not knowing which is awesome because I am a planner. P.S. Still working on being more spontaneous.....
I took Life Coaching courses. This was something that was unexpected, but it felt right because anything that has to do with relating to people I am interested in. What could be more satisfying than working with someone on building their lives and fulfilling their potential!
I went back to yoga. I am not what I would consider to be an athletic person by nature (something else I'm working on). The mind and body connection in yoga works for me. It makes me feel strong, elegant, and spiritual all at the same time. What more could I ask for?!
In a nutshell, all of these things have worked together to make me more of what I want to be, and that is simply a better me. I forgot for a time, but luckily for me things come back around again ;) I am going to utilize what I've been given, give back what I can, and hope the world is the better for it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you will be writing your experiences with yoga and whatever else, so that I can share in your learning!!
